This year the advanced chorus from Charles T. Koontz Intermediate School delighted judges at the Carowinds Festival of Music. Chorus instructor Christy Woppman said the group was invited by Carowinds to participate this year.
“The students have worked incredibly hard this year to develop a healthy vocal production and improve their music literacy skills,” she said. “We practiced every day for 40 minutes. The Festival of Music at Carowinds was filled with fun and learning.”
Students performed on the FX Action Theater Stage for professional judges and spectators throughout the park. At the end of the competition, the Koontz sixth grade advanced chorus brought home superior ratings.
“This is the highest rating given to any group,” Ms. Woppman explained. “The adjudicators gave both compliments and tips on a thumb drive about the students' performance. I was able to use that in the classroom as a learning tool for future performances.”
Additionally, the group watched another school perform. Ms. Woppman had the students use the same form as the judges in order to critique the performance.
“The entire day was a wonderful experience for us all,” she said. “Music is a wonderful thing as it stimulates the entire brain. Music also directly benefits students’ education and life. I am truly proud of what this group accomplished.”