
PowerSchool should reopen for students and parents on August 15th at 9:00 AM.

 Due to the construction at AC Reynolds we will not have students come into the building regarding schedule concerns.  If a student feels as though they qualify for a schedule change they need to fill out this linked schedule change form and if they fall in the criteria outlined below a counselor or administrator will be in contact with them within 2 business days.  The schedule change inquiry form is also located on our Facebook page and on the AC Reynolds school website.

    The following reasons are criteria for which we will consider a schedule change:

  1. 1.)Student is a Mid-Year Graduate and needs all courses 1st semester.
  2. 2.)Student is missing a pre-requisite or scheduled courses are out of order (Ex: Spanish II is scheduled before Spanish I)
  3. 3.)Student is missing a course in their schedule (Ex: missing a 3rd period class) or is double booked for a period.
  4. 4.)Student is needing to retake a course due to failing it previously.
  5. 5.)Student is scheduled for a course they have already passed.  (Ex: scheduled for Math II, but got the credit in summer school)
  6. 6.)Student has all core classes in one semester and all elective courses in the other.
  7. 7.)Student is missing a semester of a year-long course.

    We are eager to have our Rocket students back in the building.  It’s going to be a great school year!

Go Rockets!