Put your dancing shoes on for the A.C. Reynolds prom, which will take place Saturday, April 29 from 7:00-11:00 p.m. at the Crest Center and Pavilion, located at 22 Celebration Place in Asheville. Tickets will be available to purchase online starting Monday, April 10 at 8 a.m. Tickets cost $75 each during the first week of ticket sales (April 10-16), and $85 each the following week (April 17-21).
You must use your student ID number in order to purchase tickets (your ID number will also be your passcode on the ticket sales site). Only A.C. Reynolds students with approved out-of-school guests will be able to purchase tickets for non-A.C. Reynolds students.
ALL ticket sales will end Friday, April 21 so final numbers can be given to the Crest Center.